Have you ever been to Internet church? I attended this morning. I showered, dressed, and remembered that my daughter's church was without a pastor. I wanted a sermon. Rather than search the yellow pages for a church, I turned on the computer. A name had come to mind.
It's been years since I saw or heard Bishop T.D. Jakes, of The Potter's House. It was his name that came to mind this morning. I watched streaming video and was again moved by the anointing that God has bestowed on this man. He has gotten a little older, but haven't we all?
Back then, I had recorded a VCR tape (remember those?) one Saturday morning and was really moved by the message. Sunday morning, about two, my phone rang and a friend and co-worker wanted to know if she could come over. Something in her voice told me to agree. As soon as she walked in, she began to cry. I led her to a rocking chair and turned on my T.V. The VCR was already set up and I put the Bishop's tape in. She was still crying and I still hadn't said a word. I didn't know what to say. All I knew was that she was prone to severe depression.
When Bishop Jakes began to talk she got very still. For about an hour and a half we sat there, the only sound the soothing voice of Bishop Jakes. He told her story. He told her about her life, her pain, her loss, and her hopelessness. Except, at the end of the tape, he spoke of hope - the hope that Jesus gives to us freely. The forgiveness that He has already given. All we need to do is accept His love, His mercy, His forgiveness; just as important, we need to forgive ourselves. Our hope lies in what Jesus Christ did at Calvary.
When the tape was over, she stood up, dry-eyed. There was a peace that I'd never seen before in her eyes. She began to apologize for interrupting my sleep and I stopped her. "What would you have done if I had said 'no'?" I asked her.
She looked at me for what seemed like a full minute. "I had decided to end it all. I thought of you and told myself that if you said I could come talk to you, I would wait." She entered extensive counseling the next week. I do not believe in coincidence.
The Potter's House was just a dream back then. If you click this link http://www.thepottershouse.org/ you can see where it is today. Bishop Jakes is still preaching about the love of Jesus Christ and our hope for all eternity,
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