Thursday, December 29, 2011

This blog is not in any order, there is no rhyme or reason, nor any particular subject.  It really is the "journey" that counts.  This is part of my journey.

Some friends of mine in Florida have begun a study of Proverbs.  I, and others, are reading along with them.  I am reading from the NKJV (New King James Version) Bible, the Nelson Study Bible, as well as The Message.  The next post will have more information on these Bibles and where to access them online. 

For now, I shall digress and say that this week-end is special.  My granddaughter and HER daughter are visiting.  I can't believe that I am a great-grandmother!  I am so blessed. Have a great day and please leave a comment, or suggestion.  I welcome them and would love to hear from you.  Until next time...God bless.