Sunday, March 4, 2012

Google + Circles - and Where They Lead Nobody Knows

I have spent most of this afternoon circling Google + and adding whole circles, ready made circles.  I didn't know you could do that.  Well, you can, and furthermore, you should.

I digress.

I found, quite by accident, or maybe not, this circle called, "Writers and people who want to write."  That let me in right there.  I want to write.  What better circle to join that one like this, I ask you?  

That led to me thanking a few people (which I'll have to continue tomorrow as time is an issue today) for adding me, and receiving a reply, with a profound quote, which in turn led to me commenting again, which led to ... you guessed it, this awesome website, an absolute gem in the literary world.  Without further ado, here is the link: and one of her blog posts:

I am so glad I circled through the circles today.  If you click on those two links above, you will be, too.

Welcome to the Official Website of Photonovelist Heather Hummel

Welcome to the Official Website of Photonovelist Heather Hummel